Today is the new season of ADVENTURE TIME. The 3rd season comes on at 8:00PM. I hope you like it because it looks like that episode called "THE PODS" from season 2. The trailer for the new season is on Cartoon Network Also all you Adventure Time fans, I got good news for you, there is a 4th season because according to Wiki "In a tweet on May 2, 2011 Pendelton Ward mentioned, in a correction to commenters who claimed Mortal Folly and Mortal Recoil were the series finales instead of the season finales, that the Adventure Time staff were currently working on writing the Season 4 scripts."
It will be so cool if Adventure Time was real but on the other hand you hve monsters, goblins,giants,candy people,some guy named ICE KING just to name a few. It will be hard to live that life, just like Regular Show every thing is talking like a gumball machine. Have to go now, its time for Kuk Sool.
Hellow I'm back home to write and now it's 7:23 I can't wait until the new episode.and it's coming on in 34min 25sec I'm exploding with happiness. Hope you see it.