I like BLACK HISTORY MONTH because you celebrate famous black people like Angela Davis and Rosa Parks. I think one of the most important black person is Martin Luther King Jr. he help to stop segregation. If he didn't I would have barely any friends. I like Rosa Parks because she sat at the front of the bus when you were not suppose to because there were signs that say "Negro in the back and white in the front" and she sat in the front. So someone said "Can you move." she said "No." then he went to the bus driver then he came and said "Can you move!" she still said ''No.'' Then the bus driver called the police and they said said ''Can you move'' she still said ''No.''. What I like about that is her bravery and courage to stay seated instead of moving. I like Angela Davis because when I first saw her I thought she was cute. But then I started reading about her and now I think she is awesome!