Friday, October 28, 2011


I am so sorry that I'm soooooo late. It's been so long that I forgot I even had a blog. Well, so what you missed. My school was going to be closed but when I got on the NBC News Bay Area I saved the school (half way) then kids at school started to call me "Awesome Man". But there was a meeting (10/27/11) and we got taken of the list of closing schools. Our school (KAISER!!!!!!!!!!!!) is not closing any more(OMG) unless something else happens. We are now on a expantion list, what ever that mean. That's my Mom,PTA President, and the lady in the blue just lied on her, not cool. The lady is on the school board and she is trying to close our school, really not cool!!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Today is the new season of ADVENTURE TIME. The 3rd season comes on at 8:00PM. I hope you like it because it looks like that episode called "THE PODS" from season 2. The trailer for the new season is on Cartoon Network Also all you Adventure Time fans, I got good news for you, there is a 4th season because according to Wiki "In a tweet on May 2, 2011 Pendelton Ward mentioned, in a correction to commenters who claimed Mortal Folly and Mortal Recoil were the series finales instead of the season finales, that the Adventure Time staff were currently working on writing the Season 4 scripts."

It will be so cool if Adventure Time was real but on the other hand you hve monsters, goblins,giants,candy people,some guy named ICE KING just to name a few. It will be hard to live that life, just like Regular Show every thing is talking like a gumball machine. Have to go now, its time for Kuk Sool.

Hellow I'm back home to write and now it's 7:23 I can't wait until the new episode.and it's coming on in 34min 25sec I'm exploding with happiness. Hope you see it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

REAL CARTOON!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw this picture that looks like animation, but it's real! It's in Namibia, Africa.OMG!!!!!!!!!! When I first saw this I thought it was Photoshop. The reason I thought this was an illuision was because of the orange background and how the trees looked. If you'er close enough you can see how it is real, they are Camel Thorn Trees. The orange comes from the sunrise on the dune. The picture comes from Nation Geographic's Photo of the Day

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Creepy but Cool

Wolverine vs Shark

"Wolverine VS Shark" by Ryan Valle


The music is Radiohead's Lotus Flower

Say Awww.

Dang nature, you scary! tom lessen

"The LeBrons" - EPISODE 1: "Lion" - LeBron James Animated Series

Today I saw the "The LeBrons" the cartoon and there are these characters that are the feeling's of Lebron James like wise an older wiser Lebron. My mom found this cartoon on the daily what. I can't what in till I see the next episode. The first episode is about these 2 kids that are ... well you don't won't me to spoil it so just watch the video. And if you want to know what the daily what is well as your moms permission first. Peace.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Japan's Killer Quake

I watched Japan's Killer Quake the other night on NOVA.

Happy 84th César Chávez

Today I don't have school because it is César Chávez's birthday. He fought for civil rights for migrant workers. He co-founded the National Farm Workers Association in the early 1960s. He help migrant farm workers to become un-invisable and got help to have his organization be the first successful farm workers’ union in the United States. He used principles of non-violence, with strikes and boycotts. He was president of United Farm Workers of America (AFL-CIO) until he died. His role models were Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nehru, Zapata, Emiliano (all civil right fighters). Califorina, Texas and Colorado are the only states where the schools are closed.

Happy 200th

Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen (31 March 1811 – 16 August 1899) was a German chemist. He discovered caesium (in 1860) and rubidium (in 1861) with Gustav Kirchhoff. With his laboratory assistant, Peter Desaga, he developed the Bunsen burner, an improvement on the laboratory burners then in use. The Bunsen–Kirchhoff Award for spectroscopy is named after Bunsen and Kirchhoff.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Take Talli Viral

A few days ago I saw a video of my friend's little brother, Talli dancing. It is a JLo song, it only has 80 hits but I'm trying to help it go viral.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I like BLACK HISTORY MONTH because you celebrate famous black people like Angela Davis and Rosa Parks. I think one of the most important black person is Martin Luther King Jr. he help to stop segregation. If he didn't I would have barely any friends. I like Rosa Parks because she sat at the front of the bus when you were not suppose to because there were signs that say "Negro in the back and white in the front" and she sat in the front. So someone said "Can you move." she said "No." then he went to the bus driver then he came and said "Can you move!" she still said ''No.'' Then the bus driver called the police and they said said ''Can you move'' she still said ''No.''. What I like about that is her bravery and courage to stay seated instead of moving. I like Angela Davis because when I first saw her I thought she was cute. But then I started reading about her and now I think she is awesome!