Friday, July 30, 2010

I Want My Skateboard!!!

In a few weeks I'm going to get a skateboard because I got my training wheels off my bike. I was waving my hands and fell off my bike and bent my training wheel. When I got up and started riding my Dad yelled I was riding my bike on two wheels. I have to wait for a few weeks because my Dad has to talk to my friend Jake's Dad, his name is Frank. Frank in going to tell us the what to look for in a skateboard that is good for me.


Yesterday we spent the day with my Grandparents and cousins. When we got back home our dog Maxx had opened the refrigerator and ate a whole chicken and he ate stuff out of the garbage. The refigerator was 85 degrees and everthing was garbage. And now we are going out to breakfast because nobody went to the store last night.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I've been watching Morgan Freman "Through the Wormhole" and I've been thinking about portals and wormholes lately. I think in a portal you will stretch, but they are micro so you can't fit through anyway. I learned that you will have to have the right type of gas to make it big enough to fit a spaceship in it, I know don't which kind of gas it is(I'm only eight!). So ummmm where was, I oh yeah, if you you put your finger in there it will stretch your finger to the other end, but if there is a mess up some where in the portal, who knows whats going to happen!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

That Weird Peacock

When I saw this I thought it was from 2001, because it looks really old. But its from 2010.

Don't Take Girls To Zoo

My mom said this was me when I was 4 , well that wasn't actually me, but that's how I act.


I want this song on my iPod. I've seen guy dance like this in Berkeley but not in Oakland.

Graffiti Made Easy

Graffiti Made Easy of the Day: Felix Vorreiter’s txtBOMBER . I think this is really cool technology, I want this for room.